Hello Everyone, Grace and Peace to you,
This coming Sunday both churches will be celebrating “All Saints Sunday” and we will remember those members who have died in the past year. They are:
GEUMC: Beulah Young, Patsye Jo Denne, Robert Lawrence Meagher, Melvin Paul Jones, and Paul Engel
PUC: Lois Sandberg
Our readings this week are:
Joshua 3:7-17 – Where are the Israelites? Who is their leader now? What does God tell him which he repeats to the Israelites? What are the priests carrying and what are they instructed to do? What happens to the Jordan River? What then do the people do? What is this scene reminiscent of? Note: between this week’s reading and next week’s we will skip all of the death and destruction that the Israelites bring upon the people, like the people of Jericho, who are already living in Canaan.
Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 (and 38?) – Why is the Psalmist giving thanks (vs. 1)? Who should repeat this thanksgiving (vs. 2)? Where have they come from (vs. 3)? What was the problem of some of the redeemed (vs. 4-5)? What did they do (vs. 6)? What did God do (vs. 6-7)? What does God do for all the people (vs. 33-36)? What do the people do (vs. 36-37)
Micah 3:5-12 – What have the prophets done against the Lord (vs. 5)? What will the Lord do with them (vs. 6-7)? Why (vs. 8)? What have the rulers done against the Lord (vs. 9-10)? Much as the United States has a three part government, President, Legislature, and Judicial, the ancient Israelites have a three part system listed in verse 11. What are they? What have they done and what do they trust? However, what will God do with them (vs. 12)?
Psalm 43 – What is happening to the Psalmist? Who does he trust? What will lead the Psalmist and where will it take him?
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 – What did Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy do at Thessalonica to lighten the burden of the believers? How was their conduct? What did they do with each believer? What happened when they told the Thessalonians the Gospel? Whose word was it?
Matthew 23:1-12 – In a broad lambast how does Jesus characterize the Scribes and Pharisees at the temple (there are several)? What three things are the followers of Jesus not to be called and why? What will the greatest do? What will happen to the exalted and the humbled?
I pray that these questions lead you into a deeper reading of God’s word.
Mostly posts about the upcoming Sunday Lectionary Readings. Occasionally whatever is on my mind.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Scripture Readings for October 23, 2011
Grace and Peace to All,
First, I am not sure what ads you are seeing to the right of this blog. The one I saw today was about and for presidential candidate Ron Paul. Any and all ads that are there are placed by Google and I have no control as to what appears there. Therefore, you should know that I do not endorse any ad that Google places especially any political ad. However, if you are interested, please feel free to click through to the ad's site.
Now, on to the topic. This week we finish the story of Moses and will begin to read about Joshua and the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan next week. We also continue with the Pharisees and Sadducees confronting Jesus on the Monday before his arrest, trial, and crucifixion.
Deuteronomy 34:1-12 – The Israelites have finished their 40 year journey and are on the east side of the Jordan. Much of Deuteronomy is written as Moses’ final farewell. Due to an incident 40 years earlier, Moses is not allowed to enter Canaan with the people. In Chapter 34 where is Moses and where does he go? What did he see (much like the bear that went over the mountain)? When he died, where was Moses buried? How old was he at his death? Who is the greatest prophet in Judaism and why (vs. 10-12)?
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 – Not all Psalms are written by David. Who is the attributed author of Psalm 90? To whom is he speaking? What do he ask for in verses 13-17?
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 – What does God what his people to be in verse 2 and why? What does God command us to do in verses 15-16 (3 things)? Who should we not hate? What shouldn’t we do to any of our people? What should we do? Specifically, who are the neighbors this passage is talking about?
Psalm 1 – Who are the happy people and what are they like? Who are the wicked people and to what are they compared? What will happen to the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked?
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 – What happened in Philippi that brought Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to Thessalonica? Why does Paul spread the message of the Gospel? What did Paul not do while he was in Thessalonica?
Matthew 22:34-46 – In 21:23, Jesus’ authority is questioned. Jesus then gives three parables we read over the last few weeks: the two sons, the wicked tenants, and the wedding banquet. This past Sunday we read about the traps, in the form of questions, that the authorities tried to spring on Jesus. The first was over the paying of taxes. We skip the question about the resurrection with the bride of seven brothers none of whom impregnated her. This week we have the final question and a question by Jesus. What is the greatest commandment and what is the other that is like it? What does Jesus ask the Pharisees?
Have a great week reading the Good Book.
First, I am not sure what ads you are seeing to the right of this blog. The one I saw today was about and for presidential candidate Ron Paul. Any and all ads that are there are placed by Google and I have no control as to what appears there. Therefore, you should know that I do not endorse any ad that Google places especially any political ad. However, if you are interested, please feel free to click through to the ad's site.
Now, on to the topic. This week we finish the story of Moses and will begin to read about Joshua and the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan next week. We also continue with the Pharisees and Sadducees confronting Jesus on the Monday before his arrest, trial, and crucifixion.
Deuteronomy 34:1-12 – The Israelites have finished their 40 year journey and are on the east side of the Jordan. Much of Deuteronomy is written as Moses’ final farewell. Due to an incident 40 years earlier, Moses is not allowed to enter Canaan with the people. In Chapter 34 where is Moses and where does he go? What did he see (much like the bear that went over the mountain)? When he died, where was Moses buried? How old was he at his death? Who is the greatest prophet in Judaism and why (vs. 10-12)?
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 – Not all Psalms are written by David. Who is the attributed author of Psalm 90? To whom is he speaking? What do he ask for in verses 13-17?
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 – What does God what his people to be in verse 2 and why? What does God command us to do in verses 15-16 (3 things)? Who should we not hate? What shouldn’t we do to any of our people? What should we do? Specifically, who are the neighbors this passage is talking about?
Psalm 1 – Who are the happy people and what are they like? Who are the wicked people and to what are they compared? What will happen to the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked?
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 – What happened in Philippi that brought Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to Thessalonica? Why does Paul spread the message of the Gospel? What did Paul not do while he was in Thessalonica?
Matthew 22:34-46 – In 21:23, Jesus’ authority is questioned. Jesus then gives three parables we read over the last few weeks: the two sons, the wicked tenants, and the wedding banquet. This past Sunday we read about the traps, in the form of questions, that the authorities tried to spring on Jesus. The first was over the paying of taxes. We skip the question about the resurrection with the bride of seven brothers none of whom impregnated her. This week we have the final question and a question by Jesus. What is the greatest commandment and what is the other that is like it? What does Jesus ask the Pharisees?
Have a great week reading the Good Book.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Readings for Sunday, October 9 and 16, 2011
Grace and Peace from Christ,
Since I will be on vacation from this Friday, October 7, through Wednesday, October 12, I am giving you the Biblical texts for two Sundays.
For Sunday, October 9:
Exodus 32:1-14 – What do the people of Israel do when Moses is delayed on Mt. Sinai? What does Aaron build (2 things) and what does he declare? What does the Lord tell Moses? How does Moses respond? Based on what Moses said, why do you think God changed his mind?
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 – What do verses 1-5 declare? Verse 6? Verses 19-23 recounts the sin of Israel at Mt. Horeb (another name of Mt. Sinai).
Isaiah 25:1-9 – The image of a feast is related to the wedding banquet in Matthew. What has God done in for the poor and needy in verses 4 and 5? What will God make upon the mountain (vs. 6)? What will God destroy while on the mountain (vs. 7-8)? What will be said on that day about God (vs. 9)?
Psalm 23 – Some think that two small psalms were brought together in Psalm 23: the psalm of the shepherd (vs. 1-4) and the psalm of the banquet (vs. 5-6). Which part of this psalm relates to Isaiah and Matthew this week?
Philippians 4:1-9 – Whenever you see the word “therefore” look to the preceding verses for what was said that led up to it. In this case read 3:17-21. What does Paul want the people to do? Who are Euodia and Syntyche and what did they do with Paul? What are the people to do in verses 4-9 (I counted at least 5 things but you could count more)?
Matthew 22:1-14 – Who is Jesus speaking to (see 21:23)? What does the man, the king, prepare for his son? Who does he invite? What are the excuses for not coming? What happens to the second group of messengers? What is the king’s response? Who then gets invited? At the party, why is one man chastised? What becomes of him? What is the message of the parable for you? Can you think of a second way of understanding this parable? A third?
For Sunday, October 16:
Exodus 33:12-23 – What does Moses ask God to do for the people of Israel? What is God’s response? What does Moses ask God to do for himself? What will God show Moses?
Psalm 99 – Who is the Lord? What has the Lord done for his people? What should the people do?
Isaiah 45:1-7 – Who is God speaking to through the prophet Isaiah (vs. 1)? Why (vs. 4)? How do you understand verse 5-6?
Psalm 96:1-13 – This is the entire psalm. What are we to do in verses 1-3? Why (vs. 4-6)? What are we to ascribe to the Lord (vs. 7-8)? Beside people, what are the other things that should rejoice (vs. 11-12)? Why (vs. 13)
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 – What does Paul and his companions always do? How did the gospel come to the people of Thessalonica? What did the people become (vs. 6)? What do other people say about the Thessalonians? Why?
Matthew 22:15-22 – In the past three readings we had three parables given by Jesus in response to the question of authority. Next comes three questions designed to trap Jesus although we read only the first this week and the third next week. What is the first question? What do the Pharisees and Herodians say to and about Jesus leading up to the question? Why is this question a trap? What is Jesus’ response and question to them? The second question is found in verses 23-33 and is posed by the Sadducees.
Have a great two weeks reading the Word of God.
Since I will be on vacation from this Friday, October 7, through Wednesday, October 12, I am giving you the Biblical texts for two Sundays.
For Sunday, October 9:
Exodus 32:1-14 – What do the people of Israel do when Moses is delayed on Mt. Sinai? What does Aaron build (2 things) and what does he declare? What does the Lord tell Moses? How does Moses respond? Based on what Moses said, why do you think God changed his mind?
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 – What do verses 1-5 declare? Verse 6? Verses 19-23 recounts the sin of Israel at Mt. Horeb (another name of Mt. Sinai).
Isaiah 25:1-9 – The image of a feast is related to the wedding banquet in Matthew. What has God done in for the poor and needy in verses 4 and 5? What will God make upon the mountain (vs. 6)? What will God destroy while on the mountain (vs. 7-8)? What will be said on that day about God (vs. 9)?
Psalm 23 – Some think that two small psalms were brought together in Psalm 23: the psalm of the shepherd (vs. 1-4) and the psalm of the banquet (vs. 5-6). Which part of this psalm relates to Isaiah and Matthew this week?
Philippians 4:1-9 – Whenever you see the word “therefore” look to the preceding verses for what was said that led up to it. In this case read 3:17-21. What does Paul want the people to do? Who are Euodia and Syntyche and what did they do with Paul? What are the people to do in verses 4-9 (I counted at least 5 things but you could count more)?
Matthew 22:1-14 – Who is Jesus speaking to (see 21:23)? What does the man, the king, prepare for his son? Who does he invite? What are the excuses for not coming? What happens to the second group of messengers? What is the king’s response? Who then gets invited? At the party, why is one man chastised? What becomes of him? What is the message of the parable for you? Can you think of a second way of understanding this parable? A third?
For Sunday, October 16:
Exodus 33:12-23 – What does Moses ask God to do for the people of Israel? What is God’s response? What does Moses ask God to do for himself? What will God show Moses?
Psalm 99 – Who is the Lord? What has the Lord done for his people? What should the people do?
Isaiah 45:1-7 – Who is God speaking to through the prophet Isaiah (vs. 1)? Why (vs. 4)? How do you understand verse 5-6?
Psalm 96:1-13 – This is the entire psalm. What are we to do in verses 1-3? Why (vs. 4-6)? What are we to ascribe to the Lord (vs. 7-8)? Beside people, what are the other things that should rejoice (vs. 11-12)? Why (vs. 13)
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 – What does Paul and his companions always do? How did the gospel come to the people of Thessalonica? What did the people become (vs. 6)? What do other people say about the Thessalonians? Why?
Matthew 22:15-22 – In the past three readings we had three parables given by Jesus in response to the question of authority. Next comes three questions designed to trap Jesus although we read only the first this week and the third next week. What is the first question? What do the Pharisees and Herodians say to and about Jesus leading up to the question? Why is this question a trap? What is Jesus’ response and question to them? The second question is found in verses 23-33 and is posed by the Sadducees.
Have a great two weeks reading the Word of God.
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