Hello Everyone,
The story of the salvation of Israel continues with a meal; Paul begins to wrap up his letter to the Romans; and Jesus teaches us about internal relationships.
Exodus 12:1-14 – Prior to this passage Moses went to Egypt and confronted the Pharaoh. There has be 9 plagues in Egypt but the Pharaoh’s heart has been hardened. What is the purpose of the lambs? What is the purpose of their blood? What is coming that night? How do you reconcile our God as revealed in Jesus and the God who takes the life of the eldest male humans and animals indiscriminately? This is a troubling passage for those of us who believe in a non-violent God, but we have to wrestle with it.
Psalm 149 – A psalm of praise. How is Israel to praise God? Do we Protestants praise God like this? Why or why not?
Ezekiel 33:7-11 – What is God’s instructions to the prophet? What are the consequences of not following God’s instructions? Why does God warn the wicked? In this short passage, does God cause the death of the wicked? What does God really desire from his peoples (including us)?
Psalm 119:33-40 – The fifth stanza of this acrostic poem. Each line of the stanza, in Hebrew, starts with the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. What does the psalmist want in this stanza? How will his life be changed? Will yours?
Romans 13:8-14 – How are we to best follow the commandments of God? Who does Paul sound like in verses 8-10? What does Paul anticipate and why does he seem so excited about it? What should we do as a result?
Matthew 18:15-20 – What is the purpose of this teaching of Jesus’? What are the people to do when the “sinner” doesn’t confess and return to the fold? What does it mean to treat them as Gentiles and tax collectors? Outside of this passage, how did Jesus treat sinners, tax collectors and Gentiles? What does it mean to “bind and loose”?
Have a great week reading God’s word and living God’s life.
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