Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Readings for the week ending Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hello Everyone,

We have a lot of readings for this week and I hope and pray that each day you are able to read one or more passages.

Tomorrow night we are continuing to look at the “I AM” sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Both churches have a Soup & Sandwich Fellowship beginning 45 minutes before worship: 5:15 at Peace United and 6:45 at Grey Eagle UMC. Worship is at 6:00 PM at Peace United and 7:30 PM at Grey Eagle.

Tomorrow night’s lesson is John 11:17-27, “I Am the Resurrection and the Life”. Come join us for our Midweek Lenten Services.

The Lectionary Readings for Sunday, March 15 are:

Numbers 21:4-9 – The snake on a pole.

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 – Give thanks to the Lord who has delivered us from our sinful ways.

Ephesians 2:1-10 – What you do won’t get you eternal life! Faith in the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ will!!

John 3:14-21 – Of course, John 3:16 is here but what about verses 17 and 18? Also note that the snakes on a pole are back.

Tweet: In church on Sunday we will continue with our series on the Gospel of Mark, “The Beginning of the Good News” We are reading Mark 11:1-12:27. This week Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and begins his teachings and gives responses to his challengers. Here is a breakdown of what happens:

11:1-11 – The Palm Sunday story of Jesus coming into Jerusalem. We will reread these verses on Palm Sunday, March 29.

11:12-14 – On Monday Jesus comes back into Jerusalem (he spends the night with friends in Bethany, just outside of town), sees a fig tree in full leaf but it has no fruit so he “curses” it. (What?)

11:15-19 – Jesus goes to the temple, does not like what he finds there and drives out all the “buyers and sellers”. The chief priests and scribes are not happy and start plotting on getting rid of this interloper.

11:20-25 – On Tuesday morning they return to Jerusalem and the disciples comment on the now dead fig tree. Jesus uses it as a teaching moment.

11:27-33 – (Wait, where’s verse 26? It may be a later addition and many modern translations do not include it.) Jesus’ authority is challenged and Jesus issues a challenge in return about John the Baptist’s baptism.

12:1-12 – Jesus teaches in parables. This is the parable of the vineyard, the owner, and the wicked tenants. Be careful how you interpret parables. Our first interpretations are not the only interpretations.

12:13-17 – Should we pay our taxes? Great question as we prepare our IRS tax returns. Jesus replies, “Give to Congress and the IRS what belongs to them. Give to God what belongs to God.” What belongs to God?

12:18-27 – There are seven brother. The oldest marries and then dies. The widow then marries #2 and he dies. Same with brothers 3-7. In the resurrection who will be her husband? Warning: Anti-family reply coming up! Jesus replies, “In the resurrection there is no marriage (or family?) and God is the God of the living not the dead.” (So there!)

In a culture so engrossed with death, how are we to understand a God of the Living? What does it mean to live life as if death were not?

May the Lord bless you this week as you make new friends and serve your neighbors.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Gary Taylor

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